
Quickly Estimate Title Insurance

Custom Quotes Available

If you need a custom quote for title insurance please contact us directly at or (954) 971-1755.

Loan Purchase

Estimate Costs When Obtaining A Loan

Loan purchase calculator, providing estimates for your real estate transactions.

Estimate Costs

Cash Purchase

Estimate Costs Without Financing

Cash purchase calculator, delivering estimates for your real estate transactions.

Estimate Costs


Estimate Costs When Refinancing

Refinancing calculator, offering quick estimates for your real estate transactions.

Estimate Costs

Seller Proceeds

Estimate Net Proceeds For Seller

Seller proceeds calculator, estimate your proceeds as a seller of real estate.

Estimate Costs

Choose Us

  • Expertise and Experience

    Our team of highly skilled professionals bring years of experience and extensive expertise in the title industry, guaranteeing a seamless and efficient process that prioritizes the needs of our valued clients.

  • Comprehensive Services

    We offer a wide range of services, including residential and commercial title insurance, attorney affiliations, escrow management, and bilingual support, catering to diverse client needs under one roof.

  • Customer Centric Approach

    We strive to surpass client expectations with exceptional service, convenient locations, competitive fees, and innovative tools like our Clear To Close Title App, differentiating ourselves from competitors.

Educational Articles

Our Blog

At Clear To Close Title, we are dedicated to ensuring our community and clients are well-informed about all aspects of the title process. We believe in providing education and resources to empower our clients to make informed decisions. That's why we have established an informative articles section on our website, where we regularly update content on the latest policies, trends, and best practices in the world of title services.

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